Tomorrow is the day we show that we care, tomorrow I'll join my fellow Jordanians in the virtual fight against our retarded law makers that came up with the a law to take away our freedom... to protect themselves from us... to protect their pay checks that they can't get enough of... to get us off the media map.
Yes ladies and gentlemen our country is about to join China and Iran in the fight against democracy, the clock has started ticking backwards now... and we need to let those uneducated, uncultured people behind this decision be aware that we are not stupid.. that we refuse to be striped away from our freedom.
There is other ways to block porn websites using ISP's and Free software that can be installed on your computer within minutes.... Family safety & parental control applications, web browser's extensions and router configurations are all very easy ways to block porn and other websites that are rated as harmful or dangerous to children, and all of them are very reliable, secure and most importantly FREE!, these programs give parents a much better control of what's their children are viewing, meaning that they could block not only porn websites but also websites that contain violent content, messengers and unwanted emails and even files on the hard drive or even a CD.
Internet service providers offer parental control service for a very insignificant amount of money, Blocking porn websites is going to have a very negative impact on the face of our country because it means giving the government permission to block whatever seems suspicious to them til they start taking over news websites then social media websites and other websites that the government doesn't want you to be exposed to, to protect it's own interests and to control the public opinion on the out side and on the inside.
Myself and other activists on France 24 Arabic
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We need to act NOW, let the world know that your against this law through social media websites like Facebook and Twitter or be part of it using your blog or website, Talk to your friends about it... believe it or not some people in Jordan still have no idea what's going on !
Spread awareness about blocking porn websites using applications, web browser's extensions, ISP's and router configurations, tell others about the ways that you can bypass governmental censorship on the internet -like using proxy and other applications- ( i'll post an article to take you through the steps from A to Z ) and as Jordanians we're all about humor so spread out any Videos or Cartoons against censorship.
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Jordanian Government Censorship Protecting You From Reality
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