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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Customer Service in Jordan

Hello ladies and gents! I’m back . . .
Did you miss me?
After 6 months of writing nonstop, I figured I’d give you all a nice short break from my ranting while I got my creative juices flowing again.
. . . Which brings me to today’s topic: Customer service in Jordan– the epitome of unprofessionalism. Picture a farm, or a jungle – nay, a vegetable market! Fact is, I do not want to insult animals by comparing them to these horrible, wretched people.

Since I’m against physical violence, I decided that the next best thing to hitting – let’s say – my internet provider, on the head, with a hammer, many times, till he’s unconscious, would be to . . . *drumroll*  . . . write about it.
To those of you who beg to differ, and say that Jordan is the hub of professionalism (and good manners), let me enlighten you with some personal experiences.